we can help you to overcome anxiety, depression & Stress
BravuraMind HQ (Putra Height) is equipped with premium facilities to offer excellent
customer experience with affordable price for all. We have convenient rooms for therapy & counseling sessions and a seminar room to conduct group therapy session or for space rental. The essence of our passion and objective is to transform the human mind and behavior into a healthy and outstanding state of mind. Psychological Assessment that we offer is suitable for kids, adult, student, parent and professionals and elderly.
Our Team consist of expert from various field:
Experimental Psychologist, Stress & Anxiety Expert
HR, Organization Behavior and Financial Management
Professional Trainer & Motivator
Certified Counsellor
Family Therapist
Behavior Assessment
Play & Sensory Therapist
Child Therapist, Autism & Dyslexia
Special Learning & Education for Kids & Adults
Financial, Business & Tax Adviser


Portfolio Summary:
Anchored by a Psychologist and received Doctorate in Learning and Developmental Psychology from University of New South Wales, Australia.
BravuraMind member consist of Certified Counsellor from Lembaga Kaunselor Malaysia
Professional member of American Psychological Association (APA ID00966635)
Honorable guest speaker at ExxonMobil Kuala Lumpur HQ; December 2019, Mental Health Awareness
A part of our Corporate Social Responsbility, one of the sponsor for MICOLLAC 2020 organized by Faculty of Modern Language & Communication, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Our Team consist of panel for marriage counseling & trainer for team building program at JAIS
We have experts in career counseling, program coordinator and interviewer for various companies such as Sime Darby, Bank Rakyat, Yayasan Peneraju and many more.
We work closely with counsellors at Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia.
BravuraMind is looking forward for further collaboration and partnership with aim to raise mental health awareness and provide solutions for anxiety, stress and depression in the society.
Appointed as Psychology Expert to conduct therapy and counselling session for SIRIM's worker and scholarship student (2023).
Signed MOU with Pine Hill International School for further collaboration in tackling mental health.
Strategic Alliance with Taylor's University for Student Development & Internship Program (2024).
Upcoming Events
- Sun, Feb 16BravuraMind
- Sat, Dec 14BravuraMind
- Sat, Nov 02BravuraWorks Sdn. Bhd.